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- Technology center
Technology center
- Center of applied research
Our newly opened center for applied research and development of production technologies and processes increases our portfolio of services we offer to our customers. Do you have technological problem you can’t solve? Send us your request.
- CNC machining
Are you experiencing problems with quality and timing of machined parts? Send us your request. Our CNC department reacts quickly and has orientation to details and quality.
More information
- Design and production of jigs
Even very complicated jigs for automotive industry with combination of pneumatic and manual clamps have become standard solutions we deliver to our customers.
- Positioners, sliders, grippers
Our experienced construction and design department is able to design tailor made positioners, sliders and grippers of different types.
- Automatic guided vehicles (AGV)
Are your employees still moving carts with material and parts through halls in long distances? Intelligent automated guided vehicles with programmed trajectories can move heavy loads without problems.